its all been a topic in all our life as a Malaysian about "merdeka".
but actually,how "merdeka" we are right now....
yes....we are "merdeka" or independent from any colonial powers..we independent from any empires...yes, indeed it is true...but its is true that we really independent?
52 years our "persekutuan tanah melayu" frees herself from British empire....the magnificent empire that some said"the sun will never set in British empire"...but what I want to focus today is about Do we completely free?
well,generally,as a muslim,we never can't be independent..quite bold statement,but indeed it is true.we can't be independent to Him,the sole Creator....we must always be dependent to HIM...right?
but, what I really2 want to talk about...we are not completely independent as a country...we still being colonized...socially,mentally,economically...
Nationwide...I can say....we are living in not so Malaysian style of living... we are living with western style...nowadays...indeed...
mentally also...all our thinking skill is influence by western views...
economically...of course....if depend on US economics...right?our Ringgit is depend on Dollars...
so..think about it deeply...what is really independent reflect to you..
as for me...I'm never independent... i just like to heat indie